Thursday, October 12, 2017

Explorer Simulation!

 So in class we did Explorer Simulations so how it works was we got into groups and we pretended like we were on ships, and we pretended like we were alive when Christopher Columbus was alive! But anyway we pretended like we got diseases and we had 5 lives so when we got a disease we would lose one health point and when something bad happened to our whole ship we would lose one morale point, so when we got to zero morale points we would lose our ship! So we would have to swim to wherever we needed to go! When we would have two roles to choose from we made a ship decision so one person in the group would hold up a one, two, or if there are three decisions than three. So then after that we would have different parts to play basically. So when it came to an end we had two decisions to make, we either kept searching for gold after they said in it they had no more gold on the island some people decided to keep searching! Or the second one we go back home a couple of groups chose going back home! Well when we went home we had to put down in our logs how happy we were to be off of the island!

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